Call 508-212-7689 or email us to get your campaign started.
Consulting and Campaign Planning
Once you have made the decision to run for office, you need to know what it takes to win. Running for office can be an overwhelming undertaking, and High Sail Strategies will help you prepare for the most important day, Election Day! We will help you develop an integrated campaign strategy, focus your message, identify and target the voters who need to get your message, write speeches and letters, develop a voter contact strategy, or just answer the many questions that come up in a campaign. Call us for a free consultation to discuss your campaign needs and how we may help.
Political Brand Design
After your campaign is planned, it is time to get your message out to the voters. You may be an excellent candidate but if your campaign literature is poorly designed, voters will not notice you or even worse not take you seriously. High Sail Strategies will help design your campaign logos, literature, websites, newspaper ads, direct mail, and photography. Our graphic design partners will tirelessly help you create products that deliver a strong campaign message. Then you will get noticed, and most of all you will get votes.
Quality Printing
Your campaign literature is designed, but now you need it printed. Unfortunately, most people do not understand the minute details that make great printed products, but we are here to help. We will manage the entire printing process for you with professional printers who create superior products at affordable prices. High Sail Strategies will produce the highest quality printing delivered right to you on time and on budget. Products we can help you with include:
Lawn Signs
Door Hangers
Voter Contact Literature Direct Mail
Fundraising Envelopes
Fundraising Letter
Lapel Stickers
Bumper Stickers
Window Clings
Business Cards
T-shirts/Campaign Apparel
Effective Direct Mail Programs
Poorly designed and poorly planned mailings can mean the difference between winning and losing, and it could give you unnecessary problems with the post office. Timing is everything within an effective mailing strategy and voters need to receive your message at the most appropriate time. We will make sure your campaign messages get to the voter’s mailbox at the right time and on budget.
Copy Writing
Once you have a well thought out campaign strategy, we can help write scripts for all of your campaign needs that will communicate your campaign messaging clearly, effectively and persuasively. Copy writing services we can provide include:
Press Releases
Newspaper Commentary
Newspaper Ad
Radio Ad Scripts
Phone Banking Scripts
Robocall Scripts
Broadcast Media
When you really want to reach the hearts of voters and open their minds, there is no better place to do it than through traditional broadcast media. Radio and television have tremendous reach into the daily lives of your potential constituents and our partners are experts in negotiating and coordinating broadcast media schedules that will make you stand out from the competition. From start to finish, we can help write the script, produce the ad and place the schedules for maximum impact.
Digital Media
The digital world is always rapidly evolving, especially with the popularity of mobile devices. A well coordinated digital media plan can play a huge role in spreading your message, reaching out to potential supporters and publicizing events. We can work with our digital media partners to manage your digital plan, including:
Website design and management
Online display advertising
Email campaign design and coordination
Facebook and Twitter management